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Our hiking group is made up of hikers from Murfreesboro. We started out with picking all the state parks in Tennessee with overnight trails and are taking them on one at a time. This is our story:
Outcast Total Miles: 2563.6
Day one: Rim trail to Hobb's Cabin 8.4
Day two: Hobb's Cabin to Dinky Line camp 6.1
Day three: Dinky to parking 3.1
Total miles: 17.6
This weeks backpack started at the Savage Gulf ranger station and headed to Hobb's Cabin via the North Rim trail. This is a hike that we had done before, but we just wanted to see the temp's drop again. There was water going over Savage Falls which was a good sign. We stopped and ate lunch along the way and got to the campground a little before dark. It is always a challenge to find fire wood here, but we excepted the challenge. After dinner we sat around the campfire taking cough medicine and telling lies. We got to see some shooting stars as well. It dropped down to 19 degrees.
The next day we packed up and headed to Dinky campground. We had heard that there was just a puddle of water there, so we stopped at Meadow Creek to filter water and carry it the last two miles. We had a bit more time to gather firewood before dark. Another night around the campfire taking cough medicine and telling lies. More shooting stars. It was a warm 24 degrees tonight.
Wednesday we hiked on out and got to see our wildlife, two deer, and a turkey. We also came across a deer leg in the middle of the trail. Neither of the two deer had only three legs so?????
Outcast Total Miles: 2546
Ranger Station to Stagecoach Campground 6.0 miles
Stagecoach to Savage Falls Campground 4.4
Savage Falls Campground to Ranger Station 1.6
Total Miles 12
Back out with the backpacks. Scheduled a backpack and the weather dropped as usual. Calling for lows of 24 dropped down to 14. When we pulled into the parking area of Savage Gulf the snow was falling. Just the way we like it?? The ranger met us in the parking lot as we were the only ones out today for some reason. He told us that the spring was dry and to bring extra water.
We took the day loop to the South Rim trail making camp at the Stagecoach campground. We got some views in and an owl. We swep the area of firewood and collected water from the creek. The ranger was correct in saying that the spring was dry. We enjoyed the evening around the campfire telling lies and taking cough syrup.
The next morning we got up and hiked back to the Savage Falls campsite. We collected wood and got water from the creek. Another beautiful night around the campfire telling lies and taking cough syrup. We had a full moon both nights and wonderful stars. Troy went over to get some water from our filtration system and noticed that everything had froze. Humm?? Ok, we put it by the fire and thawed it out. We got all the water we would need for the night and packed the filter away. I guess the temp was dropping.
The next morning we thawed everything out and headed out. We noticed that the creek, AKA bathtub, had frozen across the top. It definitely had to have gotten cold. Lora informed me that it had dropped down to 14 degrees as we headed to the Southern Oven for our celebration.
The four of us got together again at the Stone door campground in the South Cumberland State Park. It was an extreme day for us as the temperature was in the high 80s which we are not used to. We enjoyed the day together and only had about 20 minutes of rain that evening. On the way home I realized that I had not taken any pictures. I called Marco and he did not take any pictures either. So sorry only the short story.
Got to spend a couple of nights at Stone Door. The weather man caught on and dropped it down to 23 degrees. Normal standard practice. Lies were told and cough medicine taken.