Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Long Hunter 2020

Day One: 6.9                                               Outcasts Total Miles: 2501.2
Day Two: 5.7

We could get our days off from work for a five day hike so we ended up doing an overnight hike at Long Hunter State Park. We hiked in the Day Loop and took the Volunteer trail to the campsite #2.

On the way in we saw some day hikers, deer, and listened to the Loon's out on the lake. It was snowing and the high was 32 for the day. When we got to camp we started gathering firewood for the long evening with the temps getting down in the twenties. Troy built a fire that even NASA was complaining about. It kept us warm all night. Lies were told and cough medicine was taken.

We heard coyotes in the night but the exciting part was waking up to gunshots at six in the morning. Jumping up out of a hammock never does go very well. Getting in the defensive position only to find out that it was duck hunters. Troy and Marco just went back to sleep. I was up for the day.

More gunshots as the morning progressed. We ate, packed up, and headed down the trail. We just followed the Volunteer trail on the way out. We did see the deer again.
